The intent of MUNA is to increase student’s knowledge and understanding of other cultures, and to provide an opportunity to improve their debating skills. There are several awards to be presented at MUNA based on the delegates debating performance. The awards focus on team efforts not individual performance. The awards are as follows:
Runner-Up Best Overall Delegation
Best Overall Delegation
People’s Choice
Peace Prize
Governor’s Commendation
Best Dressed Delegation
Best Overall Delegation
Cash Prize sponsored by the Rotary Club of Forest Hill.
Judged by Adjudicators
Factors taken into consideration are:
Content: ability to represent their country and demonstrate knowledge of history, politics, policies, culture, demographics, and to debate resolutions from that country’s viewpoint through the logical development of persuasive arguments; and recognition of the delegation’s position in relation to other delegations.
Presentation: examines the clarity and lucidity of arguments presented; presence (engaging with delegates rather than reading from notes), as well as an assessment of the variation in tone and volume to provide emphasis and to capture delegates attention.
Teamwork: ability to work well as a team and to use available time effectively.
Being actively involved in the proceedings through taking part in debate; displaying professional conduct and appropriate behaviour (proper decorum, attitude, ability to listen and compromise, tact, courtesy, MUNA ‘Spirit’, and ability to work cooperatively with all participants involved with MUNA
Adherence to the ‘Rules of Debate’.
The winning delegation will have their names and school inscribed on the Rotary District 9815 MUNA Perpetual Shield which the school holds for 12 months until the following MUNA.
Runner-Up Best Overall Delegation
Cash Prize
Judged by Adjudicators
Factors taken into consideration for this award are the same as Best Overall Delegation.
People’s Best Choice Award
Cash Prize
Judged by fellow delegates after the final resolution has been debated
Peace Prize
Cash Prize sponsored by the Rotary Club of Forest Hill
Judged by Secretary-General, Assembly President, and Diplomatic Couriers
The Peace Prize is presented each year to the delegation which makes the best contribution to world peace. The advancement of world peace will be considered to be demonstrated through the building of positions which allow the General Assembly to achieve the broadest possible base of support for the resolutions debated, or the broadest possible base for rejection of resolutions which hinder world peace.Delegations can demonstrate their influence in favour of world peace by displaying their own skill during debates in advancing and developing such points at a substantive level - less attention will be paid to style of delivery in judging the Peace Prize.
Governor’s Commendation
Cash Prize
Judged by the Rotary District Governor and District Governor Elect
The Governor’s Commendation will be awarded to the delegation that most accurately represents their country’s position.
Best Dressed Delegation
Cash Prize
Judged by Adjudicators
Factors taken into consideration are:
How much effort has been undertaken by the delegation in the preparation of their attire,
That the country represented by the delegation can be identified by the attire worn,
How much effort has been undertaken by the delegation in the preparation of their attire,
Encouragement Award
Cash Prize
Judged by Adjudicators
This award recognises a delegation that has improved their debating style and/or level of confidence in the Assembly throughout the MUN proceedings, or any other aspects adjudicators believe are important to highlight.